Spirit Art

Spirit Art is where the medium is used as an instrument or channel for the spirit world to bring forth drawings of a friend, loved ones, family member, a spirit guide or a symbolic object. Information is provided to help the sitter confirm the connection between the drawing and themselves.

Spirit Art is sometimes described as Psychic Art.

How Do I Work?

Whenever I do a Church Service or Demonstration, I link in my thoughts prior to the allotted time and bring forth drawings of loved ones, for people attending the venue. Your loved ones are already aware that you will be there, as they have impressed you to attend a meeting or demonstration. The drawings are done whilst I am in a trance state and my hand is automatically moved by my guides, the information is brought forward by way of mental mediumship. If a Spirit drawing is required and you are unable to attend in person then a postal reading can be arranged, by the provision of a written letter, which will retain the writer’s vibrations, thus enabling me to produce a drawing and information from the spirit world to confirm the connection.

Who is the drawing of?

The portraits are not always of people as you would remember them, but at a time that they like to present themselves. You may not have seen your grand-parents as young people or you may not have known them, but they know you from the world of spirit and there will be evidence around either by way of searching through family photographs or asking other family members and friends who would be able to confirm the likeness. Sometimes a portrait can have two energies mixed as people often come together and the top half of the portrait could be your mother and the lower portion could be that of your father or any other combination. It is obviously beautiful when the drawing can be recognised immediately, please remember that the drawing can be the essence of the individual and may not be an exact likeness. Occasionally the person who receives the message may have to pass the drawing onto another. This may be the only way the spirit world has to contact the person who is the intended recipient of the drawing.

Why do our loved ones come through in this way?

It is a beautiful way to bring comfort to people who receive the drawings as the evidence does not fade over time.

Over the years I have drawn many hundreds of portraits but now with the advance of the digital camera I am able to capture a copy of these to build up my portfolio for others to see, whereas previously they would be taken away by the recipient without records being kept.

There is a difference between a private sitting and those drawings brought forward within a Church Service or Public Demonstration. Those brought forward in public are drawn very quickly, but in a private sitting more time can be allocated for the detail of the drawing and information. As can be seen by the drawing and photo below a very wonderful result can be achieved by a quick sketch, this particular drawing was sketched during a church service and the recipient kindly sent me his wife’s photo and copy of the drawing. The evidence that went with the drawing confirmed the link. When receiving a drawing you need to be very open minded with regard to the information as this can be for you, regarding people around you, within you or about the person whose portrait it is or another communicator from the spirit world.

What is a guide?

When you work with spirit you are aware of various guides and helpers, they are similar to a guardian angel, looking out for us and giving us inspiration and ideas to help us lead our life in the best way, always hoping that we will begin to lead a life of service to help our fellow man. We all have these unseen friends but those who are not aware of spirit, are usually unaware of their existence.

Where can I see you work?

I work in my home county of Sussex also covering Kent, Hampshire, Surrey and Essex serving Spiritual Churches/Centres and at various halls and theatres.

Can I obtain a private sitting?

I am available for private sittings either one to one at home or demonstrations for a group of friends in their own home. If you are interested in making an enquiry please

Contact Lesleigh on

Mobile: 07850433711
E-Mail: lesleigh.spiritportraitartist@googlemail.com

All Spirit Drawings displayed on this page have been channelled by Lesleigh. The information on this page has been provided for your guidance and understanding.